Inspiring Change: Effective Nonprofit Video Storytelling Techniques

In the world of nonprofits, the power of a compelling story can effectively steer the course of a fundraising drive or a marketing campaign. Engaging and heartfelt stories can connect the audience with the mission of a nonprofit, illuminating the organization’s impact on real lives. But how can nonprofits harness this power to increase donations?

This blog post delves into the art of nonprofit storytelling, guiding you through the process of crafting an emotionally resonant narrative, enhancing your story with visuals, addressing ethical considerations, and learning from successful examples. Effective nonprofit storytelling can be seen in various real-life examples.

With these strategies in hand, your nonprofit’s story can inspire supporters and catalyze change.

Short Summary

  • Nonprofit storytelling is an effective way to motivate people and demonstrate the positive difference their support can make.
  • Crafting a compelling story involves creating an emotional connection, building narrative structure & visuals tailored to your target audience.
  • Stay informed of current trends in nonprofit storytelling for successful stories that inspire supporters to take action!

The Power of Compelling Nonprofit Stories

Book open with adventure cartoon in the making

Nonprofit storytelling is not just about sharing a nonprofit’s story; it’s about connecting with the audience on an emotional level, motivating them to take action, and showcasing the real impact of their support. Through storytelling, nonprofits can effectively communicate their mission, the problems they are solving, and the difference they are making in the lives of real people.

Stories can be used to illustrate the impact of a nonprofit’s work, and to inspire others.

Emotional Connection

Creating an emotional bond with the audience is a key ingredient in compelling nonprofit storytelling. Personal stories that resonate with the audience can be incredibly effective in motivating them to become involved in a cause. This emotional connection is further enriched when the story is told by the person who lived it, as it brings authenticity and a strong sense of empathy to the narrative, making it more impactful and memorable.

Neuroscience has shown that storytelling can stimulate chemical activity in the brain that encourages empathy and prosocial behavior. This makes storytelling a powerful tool for personal growth and sharing an organization’s story, further enhancing the emotional connection with the audience.

Showcasing Impact

Showcasing the tangible impact of donors’ support through real life stories is a fundamental aspect of nonprofit storytelling. By sharing the stories of real people whose lives have been transformed by their work, nonprofits can inspire others to join in the cause.

For example, The Woodland Trust, a conservation charity, created a compelling story titled ‘Street Fighters’ that advocated for the benefits of trees in cities. Through interviews with individuals contributing to conservation, the organization demonstrated the importance of urban greenery. The story inspired readers to take action in their local communities, illustrating the power of storytelling in motivating change.

Similarly, the Malala Fund created a compelling video series featuring their local Education Champions, showcasing the incredible efforts in increasing educational opportunities for girls around the world.

Crafting Your Nonprofit Story

Crafting an effective nonprofit story requires a clear understanding of the overall goals, a well-structured narrative, and visuals that resonate with the audience. Recognizing the protagonist, constructing an engaging storyline, highlighting the positive effect of donors’ contributions, utilizing visuals to your advantage, and adhering to ethical storytelling conventions all play crucial roles in creating an impactful story.

These elements should be carefully considered when crafting a nonprofit story. The protagonist should be identified and their name should be given.

Identifying the Main Character

In any compelling story, the main character plays a pivotal role. In the context of nonprofit storytelling, the main character could be an individual who has been positively impacted by the nonprofit’s work, or it could even be the nonprofit organization itself. Choosing a character that the audience can easily relate to is key.

The character’s story should provide a clear view of the organization’s mission for those who may not be familiar, and it should motivate the audience to join in and make a difference for those with similar stories. By focusing on a relatable main character, nonprofits can create a powerful emotional connection that drives engagement and inspires action.

Building a Narrative Structure

A well-structured narrative is the backbone of a compelling nonprofit story, and a good story in this context includes establishing a clear conflict or challenge, offering a resolution, and concluding with a powerful call to action. As the story begins, it’s crucial to engage the audience and make them invested in the outcome.

The heart of a nonprofit story should be compelling and inspiring, conveying the challenge that exists and giving the audience the chance to make a difference by supporting the organization’s work. Conflict is an essential element of storytelling that can be used to emphasize the issue or problem that the nonprofit is tackling.

A powerful call to action, in turn, is a statement that inspires the audience to take immediate action, such as donating to the nonprofit or offering their time as a volunteer.

Enhancing Your Story with Visuals

Woman deep in thought with images across her.

Visuals are a powerful tool in enhancing visual storytelling for nonprofit organizations. They can boost engagement, increase memorability, and strengthen brand recognition. Infographics, for example, can provide the power of visual content, aid supporters in comprehending the effects, and be especially effective when displaying intricate data.

Infographics can be used to illustrate the impact of a nonprofit’s work.

Selecting Appropriate Visuals

Selecting appropriate visuals for your nonprofit story is crucial. They should align with the organization’s mission and values, and be tailored to the target audience. For instance, the use of interactive image layering by The Woodland Trust in their ‘Street Fighters’ story vividly demonstrated the impact of healthy greenery in cities.

It’s also essential to respect the privacy of individuals and communities when selecting visuals. For instance, using pseudonyms or initials instead of full names, blurring out faces or other identifying features in photos or videos, and not sharing any personal information without explicit consent can help protect the privacy of story contributors.

Creating Engaging Content

Creating engaging content for your nonprofit story involves more than just selecting the right visuals. It’s about creating a clear connection with the audience, highlighting a compelling need, communicating how taking action solves the issue, and showcasing how donors’ support makes a true difference in accomplishing the mission. Adding an emotional element to make the audience care about the protagonist and want to know what will happen to them can further enhance the content.

When crafting visuals for your nonprofit story, consider the type of content you are creating, the audience you are targeting, and the message you aim to convey. Utilize visuals that are pertinent to the story and that will help to engage the audience. Consider using infographics, videos, and other multimedia elements to help tell your story.

Ethical Considerations in Nonprofit Storytelling

Book with the term ethics magnified with a magnifying glass

Ethical considerations play a significant role in nonprofit storytelling. It’s crucial to uphold the trust, privacy, and values of the organization while crafting a compelling story.

Incorporating ethical storytelling into organizational policies is essential to protect the dignity and privacy of the individuals and communities your nonprofit serves.

Informed Consent and Privacy

Informed consent and privacy are foundational to ethical storytelling. It’s important to obtain consent from story contributors and respect their privacy when sharing their stories. This involves securing written consent, clearly explaining how their story will be used, and giving them the opportunity to review and approve the story before it is shared.

Nonprofits should also take proactive steps to ensure the privacy of their story contributors. This includes using pseudonyms or initials instead of full names, blurring out faces or other identifying features in photos or videos, and not sharing any personal information without the story contributor’s explicit consent.

Avoiding Harmful Stereotypes

Nonprofits should also be mindful of avoiding harmful stereotypes in their storytelling. This includes portraying people as powerless, perpetuating harmful stereotypes about certain groups, and reinforcing negative biases and prejudices. Nonprofits have a vital role to play in avoiding reinforcing harmful stereotypes by telling stories in a way that respects the dignity and rights of individuals.

Being conscious of the language used and the images portrayed in storytelling ensures that nonprofits create stories that are inclusive and representative of their communities. Nonprofits should be sure to get informed consent from any individuals featured in their stories, and to stay mindful of any applicable privacy laws. They should also be aware of any potential biases or prejudices that may be present in their storytelling to ensure that their stories are motivating and impactful.

Inspiring Examples of Nonprofit Storytelling

Young man helping elderly man out of a car

Several nonprofits have harnessed the power of storytelling to engage their supporters and boost donations. By studying nonprofit storytelling examples, organizations can gain valuable insights and inspiration for their own storytelling efforts. Just a few examples can provide a wealth of knowledge for organizations looking to improve their storytelling techniques.

Storytelling is a powerful tool for nonprofits to connect with their supporters and build relationships. By sharing their own story, it can make a difference. You can find more examples on our nonprofit video case studies page.

Case Study: International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Young Muslim boy raising his hands in a classroom

The IRC needed to develop and standardize multimedia training tools to increase the effectiveness of teachers in refugee camps worldwide. In crisis and post-crisis environments, caring for, protecting, and nurturing children is increasingly complex.

The displacement, multiple losses, and violence that children often face in these contexts can negatively impact them socially and emotionally. For those whose lives have been disrupted by crises, coming back to school is often seen as an opportunity for bringing communities together and reestablishing positive relationships.

Attending school at regular times on a regular basis can help children, youth and their communities think positively about their future. The IRC needed Two Parrot’s help in standardizing a “Healing Classrooms” multi-media teacher training to address the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of young people who have lost almost everything.

Over the course of 6months, Jessica Kizorek managed a team that travelled to refugee camps both Pakistan and Liberia to capture best practices in the field. In teams of two, we spent four days in each country.

The risk factor on this project was particularly high, and for much of the trip, we were protected by armed security. It was therefore crucial that we bring as little equipment as possible, and remain as low profile as possible through dangerous areas.

Because of how vast and deep the content was, pre-production planning was the most crucial piece of this project. Scripts were written and approved before leaving the country so we could focus on capturing b-roll footage to match every piece of the instructional material, put together by a Phd. in educational design.

We created vast shot lists, and in the end, captured thousands of photographs and video clips to create a strong portfolio of multi-media teaching tools. Two Parrot Productions awarded IRC with two video production grants to fund portions of the project in Liberia and Pakistan.

You can see the final video here:

Case Study: Planned Parenthood

Two Parrot Productions Planned Parenthood Video Thumbnail

Planned Parenthood was one of the key players of the March 21, 2017 Women’s March in Washington, DC. To record the historic moment and plan for an uphill battle, they knew they needed an arsenal of video footage to fight against the negative media coverage they were receiving with the new Trump Administration in place.

Our task was to create a world where sexual and reproductive rights are basic human rights, where access to health care doesn’t depend on who you are, and where every woman has the opportunity to choose her own path to a healthy and meaningful life.

Planned Parenthood is perhaps the most attacked nonprofit in the world, as such they need to be more proactive than most in regards to creating their own multimedia narrative. PP needed to tell very personal, human stories. We wanted to reveal the men and women behind the brand, rather than focus on the brand. We asked a series of very intimate questions to capture each person’s experience being an advocate for women’s rights.

You can see the final video here:

Tips for Continuous Improvement in Nonprofit Storytelling

Young woman with her hands up and eyes closed looks hopeful

Continuous improvement is key to successful nonprofit storytelling. By honing their storytelling skills, staying abreast of trends in the sector, and learning from successful examples, nonprofits can craft more captivating content that resonates with their supporters and achieves their objectives.

Learning from Others

Learning from the successes and failures of other organizations can provide valuable insights for nonprofits. This can empower them to refine their strategies and operations to amplify their impact and reach their objectives. For instance, studying the storytelling practices of Charity A and Charity B can provide nonprofits with practical examples of effective storytelling techniques.

Moreover, nonprofits can also gain from the expertise of others by following influencers in the sector, reading books and articles on the subject, and participating in online courses, workshops, and webinars. This can help them stay up-to-date with the latest storytelling trends and strategies, enhance their storytelling skills, and improve their overall communication practices.

Staying Current with Trends

In the fast-paced digital age, staying current with storytelling trends is essential for nonprofits to effectively engage their supporters. Trends such as the use of social media, video content, personalization, and impact stories can be powerful tools in a nonprofit’s storytelling arsenal, invigorating donors and strengthening the bond between their community and their cause. By embracing digital storytelling through digital stories, nonprofits can further enhance their connection with supporters.

These trends can also help nonprofits adapt their storytelling strategies to the evolving preferences and behaviors of their supporters. By continually updating their storytelling approaches, nonprofits can ensure that their stories remain relevant and engaging, maximizing their chances of inspiring their supporters to take action and contribute to their cause.


Nonprofit storytelling is a powerful tool that can inspire supporters, catalyze change, and increase donations. It involves crafting a compelling narrative, creating an emotional connection with the audience, showcasing real-life impact, enhancing the story with visuals, and ensuring ethical considerations. Through continuous improvement and learning from successful examples, nonprofits can hone their storytelling skills and stay current with trends in the sector.

In conclusion, the art of storytelling in the nonprofit sector is an essential skill that can make a significant difference in a nonprofit’s mission. By harnessing the power of storytelling, nonprofits can effectively communicate their mission, engage their supporters, and amplify their impact. So, are you ready to tell your nonprofit’s story?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a storytelling strategy for nonprofits?

Nonprofit storytelling is a powerful strategy used to attract and motivate donors by creating emotional connections through stories of real people or situations. It helps bring the mission of an organization to life, transforming hearts and minds with its relevance and significance.

Stories can be used to illustrate the impact of an organization’s work, to show how donations are making a difference, and to demonstrate the importance of the cause. They can also be used to inspire others.

What are the elements of nonprofit storytelling?

Nonprofit storytelling involves creating an emotional connection between the reader and a mission, and using effective strategies to capture the attention of your target audience.

By including a clear call-to-action, you can ensure the story resonates with your readers and drives them towards desired actions.

Why is storytelling important in non profits?

Storytelling is an essential part of nonprofit marketing, as it allows you to effectively communicate your values and mission to gain more supporters, donors, volunteers and media attention. Through storytelling, you create relatable stories about real people that can truly touch your audience’s hearts and motivate them to take action for a cause.

What is ethical storytelling for nonprofits and philanthropy?

Ethical storytelling for nonprofits and philanthropy is a practice that puts individuals first by respecting their dignity and rights, while also making sure communicators are effective and responsible. It goes beyond writing alone and is a movement to ensure stories are told with respect.

What is an impact story?

An impact story details the changes that you have experienced through learning with UNITAR, providing rich insights into how your life has been altered for the better. It offers an individual perspective to understand what has changed and why.

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