Early Days of Two Parrot Productions
Two Parrot Productions was co-founded by Jessica Kizorek and her father, Bill Kizorek, in 2001. This venture marked the culmination of a shared vision between Jessica, a college-aged entrepreneur working on her Bachelor’s degree, and Bill, a retired entrepreneur with a background in technology, military police, and video surveillance.
The foundation of Two Parrot Productions was built on their mutual passion for video production and storytelling, combined with a strong entrepreneurial spirit inherited and nurtured within their family. Bill Kizorek, born in 1945, brought his extensive experience in video surveillance to the venture, having previously founded InPhoto Surveillance. Jessica Kizorek, born in 1980, was immersed in the world of cameras and business from an early age, discussing business strategies at the dinner table from the time she was born and receiving encouragement from her father to pursue her entrepreneurial ambitions.
The initial concept behind Two Parrot Productions was to offer video production services to companies all over the world. This dream took a significant turn in 2005, following Jessica and Bill’s enrollment in a personal development course, The Self-Expression and Leadership Program.

As part of a community project for the course, they donated their video production services to World Concern, a global nonprofit. The project involved traveling to Thailand to document the organization’s efforts to aid homeless and addicted youth. The resulting video had a profound impact on World Concern and highlighted the potential of Two Parrot Productions to make a difference through their work.
The next trip they donated was to Romania and Moldova with Northwest Medical Teams International. The father-daughter duo realized that they could give a leveraged gift by donating their frequent flyer miles to get camera crews to international locations being served by American NGOs.
A Strategic Pivot
Between 2005 and 2013, Bill and Jessica continued to organize and donate free video shoots all around the world through their company, Two Parrot Productions. This experience led to a strategic pivot for Two Parrot Productions, focusing on donating video production services to nonprofit organizations rather than solely operating as a for-profit enterprise. This new direction was further solidified with the creation of Eyes On Your Mission in 2015, a sister brand to Two Parrot Productions that focuses on providing charitable programs to students, organizations, and communities.
Eyes On Your Mission was born in 2015 with 3 core programs:
- Video grants to nonprofits,
- Academy and education, and
- Apprenticeships and mentorships. 2017 marked the year we received our official 501(c)(3) nonprofit designation from the IRS.
The name, “Eyes On Your Mission,” springs from our desire to help nonprofits get more eyes (i.e., new donors and supporters) on their mission. The annual Eyes On Your Mission Free Video Grant provides nonprofits with a free video production and visual storytelling promotional package. Grants have been awarded to selected nonprofits since 2005 that have exhibited innovation, creativity, and future-thinking. This grant is international, multi-lingual and considers a diverse range of causes and organizations. We are headquartered in Miami and Chicago, however, any NGO globally is eligible and invited to apply. We encourage previous applicants to apply again with fresh updated ideas. Timing is everything, so sometimes a nonprofit can apply several times before being chosen. The primary creative collective that donates their videography and photography services has been working as a team for over 15 years.
As Two Parrot Productions moves into its third decade in business, we continue to focus on our core mission of supporting nonprofits through powerful storytelling and video production. The journey of Jessica and Bill Kizorek demonstrates the evolution of a family business into a purpose-driven organization dedicated to making a difference in the world.
Is your nonprofit or foundation in need of compelling video content?
Contact Two Parrot Productions for best-in-class video production.